Feb 23, 2011

Need for Stimulation

Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common.

Everyone needs a little chaos. Sociopaths are no different. Drugs don't do much for us; our body learns to overcome the effects, and unless there're genetics involved, a sociopath can beat pretty much any addiction without a problem. So we need something a bit more exciting, challenging. Most sociopaths are "lucky," the odds fall in our favor often. This isn't some mystical force, or Fate intervening in the world, it's just a subconscious logic acting more quickly than our minds can fathom. What we love, though, is to test that. Stock market numbers, roulette tables and poker, any form of 'random chance' that we can beat, is a spicy challenge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments aren't quite that normal; they make us look bad. We only do those on the ones closest to us, or on the people who threaten our people.
Say, one of my 'heart's is at a bar and someone is harassing him/her. For show, I'd probably yell at the person, and get between them and my 'heart.' If they continued to cause trouble, I'd maybe shove them a bit, depending on their size and fighting ability. If they looked like they knew how to fight, I'd probably make a fuss, then back off. If they looked like they had a glass jaw, I'd probably beat the shit out of them, but the violence wouldn't be for the sake of violence, it'd be to show that the 'heart' I was protecting was MY property, and no one's allowed to mess with them.
Other violence may be in acts of passion. Most sociopaths are violent lovers; we play rough. Of course, beforehand, we'd make sure the person was okay with the violence, and once started, we have no problem stopping, but many a lover of mine has left with bruises, teeth marks, scratches, and open cuts. It's a fun way of expressing ownership of the mate without them realizing it.
Promiscuity is really most often just for the challenge of doing it. A sociopath chases the tail that's hardest to catch or most worth catching. Sociopaths will do almost anything to sleep with a boss at work, just for the power, or sleep with a professor, just for the kudos. Anyone in a position of authority, a sociopath will attempt to control, through nearly any means. Even if control is not possible, the sociopath will still try and establish connections with the authorative figure, and generally succeed.

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