Feb 23, 2011

Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity

 Promiscuity, child sexual abuse, rape and sexual acting out of all sorts.

This one is different for every sociopath. For some, it's about lording it over a younger mate. For others, it's about being in control of someone older. But for all, it's about the power. It's always about being the one holding the remote and pushing the buttons. Some sociopaths find fun in being bound, and seeming out of control, but the moment the sexual activity starts, the sociopath is back on top. The promiscuity comes from the inability to truly care about another human, and therefore not caring about the implications of cheating. For a sociopath, the only worry is being caught, and how it may negatively impact the image (s)he puts out. Child abuse is generally about taking advantage of the status of age and the ignorance of the child to prove mastery to the one being abused, and gender often has no affect on that. Rape (in the case of sociopaths) is normally done by men to teenage girls in an effort to stoke the rage against some high-school flirt who spurned them at some point, else, it's just a seduction from either gender to either gender to prove a point or to take a 'trophy.'

In some cases, however, sociopaths will find less joy in the ability to just seduce, and as time moves on and the seduction becomes easier, a sociopath will begin stalking targets in order to gain a challenge and force sex on a victim. This is always more about the challenge and the chase than it is the actual rape. There's little sexuality in this, other than the depravity of the mind giving the sociopath a deranged sense of orgasmic fury in the pain of the victim.


  1. You have no idea what you are talking about...
    This is an unvisited site because your and idiot.

    1. We both know the sociopaths are total losers. I am willing to mention this, and now it's your turn to own up to it.

  2. I think the page is pretty legit. At least the grammar and spelling are better than yours.

  3. Sociopaths pathetic humans parasites. Better without them.

  4. Sociopaths destruct lives and the poor kids. Wales especially in Swansea family off them who live off people . Now they using internet to gather victim on the net

  5. Good site. Food for thought.
